Tapping Into The Sex Appeal

A couple of weeks back, I was inquired by a fashion designer to shoot her line. Apparently, she had a photographer cancel on her on the last minute, and she needed me to help with the shoot. All this happened the night before. After surfing through their line, it seemed like a fun project.

On this shoot, her new vintage swimsuit line needed some commercial look. She had invited about ten models and four photographers. The location was near LAX, at the beach. I had agreed to shoot the event for exposure, but my only issue was the time of the shoot. They wanted to shoot from 11pm to 3pm, the worst kind of light. I asked them if they had a diffuser because the light would be really harsh.

So here are some sample images I took from the event. If you notice there are parts of the body with minimal light, so the shadows and the way the model hovers over creates this unwanted shadow. I currently don't own any speed light flash, so I was only working with natural and bounced light.

Canon 5D Mark II  .  f 11   .  ISO 100
Silver reflective bounce




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