LA Facial Hair Society Present the 2014 Beard and Mustache Competition

Ready for this year's beard and mustache stories???

Thanks to Los Angeles Facial Hair Society and Federal Bar for making this happen! Also, thanks to CINEMILLS LEDZ for supplying me with lights to capture these very dramatic images!

Photography by: Russo Mutuc | Focal Finder
Assistant: Jorge Ponce

****Here are the Sixth SET of pictures! Check back daily for more updates****

Guy Weiner

Justin Vorhauer

Fourth Set
Amber Lockspeiser

Anthony TheStash Fontes

Stephen Bosio

Derek Nowicki
Third Set

Colin Pulsipher

Kirsten Bosio

Jack Tannatt

Second Set

Jeffrey Moustache

Zangief Mints

Al Underwood

Adam Berkebile

Jordan Nalley

Johnathan Howle

Al Underwood

****First Set Below***


Lighting provided by

Adam Alvarado

Landon Michael Gillespie



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