Dia De Los Muertos 2012 - Event and Portrait Photography

Blog by: Russo Mutuc

 November 2, 2012 I was out in the streets originally scouting the locations for a film shoot. Having gone to several sites, I ended up just past Chinatown, near DTLA. I stumbled upon DJ Toks, who greeted me while composing my shot in the street. I ended up chatting with him, and ends up he was DJ'ing an event that encompassed art scene, music, and celebration of Dia de los Muertos.

DJ Toks hooked me up, he got me in the event without paying for the entrance fee. As you walk into the studio space ( KGBLA ) you are instantly stimulated by the music, art pieces, and the costumes. Just like that, I became the psuedo "photographer" for the event.

This was a fun shoot, considering I was struggling for weeks to get rid of my photographers block. A nice refresh look into the art, which sparked my motivation and fuel for my creativity.

Thanks to DJ Toks for opening the opportunity to what became a spontaneous night.These types of nights are my favorite, especially, when the right connection and results expose themselves into the story.


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