Capturing A Rare Self Portrait

Halloween night, after I spent the last few hours walking the streets of West Hollywood Halloween Costume Event capturing images, as I was driving home and I noticed the fog roll in.

I've always enjoyed shooting at night, especially, when fog blankets the streets. Since these nights are rare and very hard to capture, it was another opportunity to capture treasured still images. 3am I drove the gritty streets of L.A. and ridding along the L.A. River banks. I did a lot of park and go, but very limited time to really setup my scenes (with a tripod) as the fear kicked in a lot more. The fog was so thick and it made visibility very hard to see. I was really nervous someone might come out from the shadows to mug me. Normally, without the fog, I am capable of using my peripheral vision and have stronger senses to see if anyone is approaching me.

Here is my first image I'm posting up from my hunt on Foggy Halloween Night 2011.

Taking this shot, I was really on the edge, I was hearing the noise of shopping kart being pulled along the street, and very unfriendly can collectors stop to stare at me. 

Circa 2008



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